It was a hive of aerial delights and activities at Tyabb Airport South East of Melbourne on Sunday the 11th March. The Peninsula Aero Club one again held a fantastic Airshow. Some amazing aircraft were on display including some real rarities as well.
The team at the Peninsula Aero Club at Tyabb Airport are a real community minded lot. They proudly support their local community service clubs with the proceeds of the air shows staged at the airport. . The 2018 Airshow saw the proceeds going to the charity, Riding for the Disabled (RDA). RDA Victoria is a not for profit organisation that enables individuals with a variety of disabilities, ages and backgrounds to develop independence, a sense of freedom and to reach their equestrian goals, through adaptive coaching techniques and equipment.
Mark and Dave are pleased to present you this over view of the days events. Thanks to the PAC for the invitation to cover the event.
The Airshow’s director Paul Bennet who got things fired up in his Wolf Pitts Pro.
Always putting on a great display was the Southern Knights display team. Flying the ubiquitous North American T-6 Harvard/Texan the four ship display shows the performance and grace of these classic trainer design.

VH-NZH is an ex New Zealand Air Force Harvard as its registration implies. Built as an AT-6C Harvard Mk II for the USAAF as 41-33767, for forwarding to the RAF as EX794. It was however, shipped to New Zealand in August 1943 and became NZ1051. It served with the RNZAF until 1978.

VH-YVI owned by Stephen Deeth. Ex USAF 51-15202, after service with the USAF she moved onto serving with the Italian Air Force as MM53652.

VH-NAH ex Royal New Zealand Air Force T-6D NZ1056. This aircraft is owned by Alan Pay based at Tyabb Victoria

VH-XSA is an ex South African Air Force 7667 SNJ-4. This beautiful aircraft is owned by Judy Pay.

Heading to the top.
The solo display was preformed by Scott Taberner in VH-XSA. Looking as smart as ever in its South African Air Force early livery.

Doug Hamilton flew Judy Pay’s immaculate VH-NZH

Guy Bouke flew VH-NAH

Scott Taberner flew VH-XSA

Stephen Death flies his own T-6 VH-YVI.
Paul Bennett the Airshow’s director was the next to display, and it sure did blow people away literally!
The pages of history were turned back as the crowd watched the launch of three World War One fleet. Two Sopwith Pups and a Sopwith Snipe launched into the blue skies to show the flying characteristics of these fantastic aeroplanes. These well built replicas look amazing in the sky.

Nick Cauldwell launches his Snipe in front of the Pup.
The white example is the RAAF Museum’s Sopwith Pup. Constructed by the Transavia company in Sydney in 1979. An Armstrong Siddley Genet Major radial engine is in place of the original rotary engine. It is finished in the colours of a training aircraft used by No 8 Squadron of the Australian Flying Corps during World War One.
The second example of the Sopwith Pup was constructed alongside the RAAF Museum’s example at Transavia. It is owned by David Marshall from Riddles Creek.
The progression from World War One to the 1930s designs from the famous De Havilland factory saw the populous Tigermoth design launch with a three ship display.

Lovely three ship formation.

Jim Wickem, put the Robinson R22 VH-VLM through a very spirited display.
The man making Airshows in Australia popular again by putting on spirited displays is Paul Bennet. His team of pilots and ground crew, show an aircraft performance and characteristics extreamlly well through their airmanship. Paul flew his Wolf Pits Pro. It has the highest performance for an aerobatic biplane in the world. Utilising the latest design concepts and light weight materials , it was designed and hand built by Steve Wolf from the United States. Powered by a 400hp Lycoming engine and a empty weight of 1200lbs (450kg) the Wolf Pitts is capable of a cruise speed of 185kts (340 km/hr) and a top speed of 224kts (414 km/hr). Flown in conjunction with Ben Lappin and Glenn Graham in the specially modified Pitts S1-S was Paul’s first aircraft. They have been modified, by installing Prescion Wings, a carbon fibre propeller and a ‘modified’ Lycoming IO-360 engine.

PT-22 flown by Scott Taberner always looks perfect when ever on display.

Boeing Stearman VH-PUD was flown by Mick Poole.
The Trainer display was again a big part of the show with three, CAC Winjeels, two NZAI CT-4s and for this years display the RAAF Museum’s latest flying exhibit the North American Harvard.

VH-FTS ex Royal Australian Air Force A85-439 CA-25 Winjeel. This aircraft is owned and operated by the RAAF Historic Flight based at Point Cook Victoria.

VH-HOY- ex Royal Australian Air Force A85-450 owned by Matt Grigg from Ballarat

VH-WJE- ex Royal Australian Air Force A85-427 owned by Matt Henderson from Kyneton.

Matt Denning in his CT-4 VH-CTQ displays the original yellow and green livery the CT-4s were delivered to the RAAF in. Thus earning the nickname ‘plastic parrot’.

VH-HVD ex Royal New Zealand Air Force, Harvard III NZ1075. This aircraft is now part of the RAAF Museum Heritage flight.

Trainer Heritage flight, not something you see every day.

Matt Henderson preforms the solo display in his WInjeel A85-427.

Thirteen times National Aerobatic Champion Chris Sperou, was another participant. Chris continues to fly and preform amazing airmanship with the Beechcraft. Making it very mesmerising, not bad for a man in his 80’s!

Chirs loops the Pitts Special “Super Stinker” around the Beechcraft.

Paul Bennet’s Grumman Avenger VH-MML Launches for its display. It is an ex United States Navy Bu 53857 TBM-3E Avenger. Converted into a Fire bomber in the early 60’s she flew in this configuration till purchased and restored to its Navy configuration by Steve Searle.

The display was flown by Ben Lappin.

The Royal Australian Air Force provided a Pilatus PC-9A A23-050 for a solo display.
The Vietnam era was well represented with four aircraft from the era flown. First up was the two Cessna O-1 Birddogs owned by Rob Fox (from Flightpath magazine) and Matt Henderson, (though flown on in the display by Michael Dalton from Kyneton).

VH-FAC ex United States Air Force and O-1G 51-12134 Birddog. Being a Vietnam Veteran it came to Australia in 1989.

VH-FXY ex United States Army O-1G 51-12471. Also a Vietnam Veteran she came to Australia in 1989. Owned by Rob Fox this aircraft also flew with the South Vietnamese Air Force and is still painted in its original colours.

Glenn Graham launches for his display in the Rebel 300 VH-TBN. Flying as part of the Paul Bennet displays, Glenn put on a fantastic display, with some amazing manoeuvres.

VH-NAW ex US Navy (Bu-138278) It finished its military service in the mid 1980’s and was imported into Australia in 1988. Owned and operated by Judy Pay from Tyabb.

VH-CIA owned by Michael Murphy and flown by Steve Deeth launches the T-28D version.
Eastern Block Trainers display
Four examples of training aircraft from the other side of the pond were put through their paces. Examples of the Tak-52TW, Yak-52 and two Nanchang CJ-6s put on a great formation display.

Jim Wickham prepares to depart, in his Yak 52TW VH-WKO

John Vevers, the PAC president launches in his Yak-52, VH-YUC.

VH-ALO part of the Warbird Adventure Flight fleet launches. This 1988 built Nanchang CJ-6 is one of over 40 examples flying in Australia.

Combat Adventure Flights is another company which flies the Nanchang where you can experience mock dog fighting. VH-NNM is seen launching with smoke on.

VH-WWY ex Royal Australian Air Force CA-3 A20-81. Not quite as is seems, painted as A20-176. This aircraft is owned by Paul Bennet and is seen ready to depart for its display with fellow CAC product the Boomerang from the Temora Aviation Museum.

VH-MHR ex Royal Australian Air Force CA-13 A46-122 Boomerang. Owned by the Temora Aviation Museum

The ‘Panic Fighter’ never fails to impress with its sight, howling sounds and agility when displayed.

Australia’s first indigenous fighter type, and also the first mass produced aircraft in Australia built by the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation.

Ben Lappin brings in the magnificent looking Wirraway.

On display all the way from its home base at Nowra was the Royal Australian Navy’s latest helicopter. One of twenty four MH-60R Seahawk ‘Romeo’ models. They have replaced the replace the sixteen Seahawk S-70B-2 helicopters.

Operated by the Navy’s 816 Squadron as Tiger 22.
I make no apologies for the next lot of photos. I’m allowed to indulge in one of my favourite aircraft. Both examples were built up the road at the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation facility at Fisherman’s Bend in Melbourne. Flying publicly for the first time was Peter Gill’s beautiful example, A68-199. Formerly registered VH-BOZ the aircraft has been restored to flight as VH-URZ. After RAAF service it was one of the two flown by the Illawarrra/Fawcett Aviation on drogue towing operations. In 1979 it was impounded by Customs after an attempt was made to export it along side the Australian War Memorials BF-109.

Nick Caudwell at the controls of 199 prepares the aircraft for display.

Darcy O’Connor warms up Mustang A68-105 VH-JUC, is flown with a colour scheme in honour of 3 Squadron RAAF when it was operating in Scilly during World War Two.

Two CAC built Mustangs in formation, something that hasn’t been seen for a while.
Not only a rare aircraft in general, Australia’s and the worlds only flying Lockheed Hudson was a welcome participant at the airshow. Presented by the Temora Aviation Museum, the aircraft made a glorious site and sound.

It’s airliner roots are shown in this view with the large passenger windows evident.

Bomb bay doors open pass

VH-KOY ex Royal Australian Air Force A16-112 Mk.III Hudson. One of two Hudson restored by the Long family and today the ONLY FLYING Hudson in the world. Painted as A16-211 ‘Tojo Busters’.

Painted in its original, 8th Fighter Squadron, USAAF 49th Fighter Group, like it was when this aircraft on February 14, 1944 was shot down over Papua New Guinea.
A special pairing flight launched in the late afternoon. Doug Hamilton in his P-40N VH-PFO and long time Australian Airshow display aircraft Spitfire Mk.VIII, VH-HET owned by Temora Aviation Museum.

Painted as the personal mount of Royal Australian Air Force, Wg. Cdr Bobby Gibbes of 80 Wing RAAF, based on Morotai in 1945. The aircraft’s serial number is A58-758 however it is marked as A58-602.
The finale of the show was the Balbo. A flight of aircraft types flying together that hasn’t been seen before. The Avenger, Hudson, Spitfire, Mustang, Boomerang, Trojan and Kittyhawk all flew together and what a sight and sound it was.
Listen and turn the sound up in the video clip below, from Mark Pourzenic.
Static Display Aircraft.
The RAN provided a second helicopter for the show which was very popular. The Bell 429 is one of four of the type operated by 723 Squadron based at Nowra. N49-047 was the aircraft on display.
Another CAC Winjeel on the display line was VH-WMK, A85-423.
Another CAC product this one though is the last of its line. CA-36 Pazmany was the last fully built airframe built under the CAC name. An aircraft your author has a bit of experience with as I was part of the recovery team from The Australian National Aviation Museum who purchased the aircraft and returned it to flight status.
ASO wishes to again thank the great people at the PAC for the organisation and professionalism of a truly well run event. We look forward to the next one!
A great record and a fantastic air show. Thanks for making this available Dave and Mark.
I agree with you Ian, an incredible display of particularly war bird treasures. Some of formations were pretty tight and amazing. A great air show for PAC Tyabb
Great air show, Tyabb really is a excellent location, Well done Dave on this report.