The Royal Australian Air Force has officially welcomed its newest aircraft into service at RAAF Base Amberley today and to celebrate the RAAF decided to give the good folks in the CBD of Brisbane a nice loud, up close look at one of their Globemasters.
Whilst most spotters might be miffed at not getting enough notice so they could find the right spot to shoot the aircraft, there were a few in the community that were somewhat surprised. As one of our high tech strategic lifters took the opportunity to change the flight plan late in the game, in complete cooperation with air traffic control, the C-17’s high manauverability at low level put the wind up a few city dwellers. The RAAF had announced that the Globemaster was performing high level training over Brisbane, it appears the opportunity was taken to perform some lower level training as well.
The acquisition of two additional Boeing C-17A Globemaster III aircraft, and associated equipment and facilities, is a $1 billion investment in Australia’s ability to provide vital heavy airlift to a range of global military operations.
“With extraordinary lift and range, the C-17A Globemaster is an integral part of the Australian Defence Force’s airlift capability. It allows Australia to rapidly deploy troops, combat equipment, tanks, helicopters and humanitarian resources worldwide,” Minister Brough said.”The C-17A Globemaster has played a central role in the ADF’s activities, including supporting the international effort to combat Daesh in Iraq and Syria, recovering the victims of the MH-17 tragedy in the Ukraine, and delivering disaster relief to victims of the Vanuatu cyclone and Queensland floods.”
Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Leo Davies, AO, CSC, said the Royal Australian Air Force was part of the global fleet of C-17A Globemasters, including the global sustainment system that delivered improved interoperability with our coalition partners.”The C-17A Globemaster is an incredibly versatile aircraft. It allows us to provide an air bridge from Australia with supplies to the men and women deployed around the world, support Army operations, and assist at home with disaster relief such as the Queensland floods,” Air Marshal Davies said.”Additional aircraft mean we can better meet the demands of moving personnel and equipment, within the short timeframes required in emergency situations, such as floods and cyclones.”
Australia has worked closely with the United States Air Force to acquire the additional operating capability within a short time-frame, supporting the Government’s commitment to building a strong, capable and sustainable Australian Defence Force.
File Photo by : Mark Jessop
Lens: 300mm 2.8f Nikkor